Groups and Workshops - Kids and Families Together

Groups and Workshops

Nurturing Connections: Support and Training in Becoming a Therapeutic Parent

2025 Nurturing Connections Flyer

Who Should Attend: Foster/kinship resource parents, adoptive parents, legal guardians

Description: Support and training, led by a therapist, in a safe and supportive environment where participants can share their experiences as a foster or adoptive caregiver. Participants have a chance to explore their own attachment histories and strengthen their therapeutic parenting skills. Learn about attachment, trauma, development, self-care, and more. Resource parents can earn training hours!

When & Where: Every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 5-6:30 pm, Currently offered via Zoom.

English/Spanish: Group is in English with live Spanish interpretation!

Cost: Free for foster/kinship resource, adoptive, and legal guardian caregivers within the Ventura County Child Welfare System.

Register: Click Here to Register

Contact: Please contact us at 805-643-1446 or kft.referrals@pathpoint.org with questions.

TBRI® Caregiver Training

Who Should Attend: Foster/resource/adoptive/kinship resource caregivers

Description: Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI)® is an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. TBRI® uses Empowering Principles to address physical needs, Connecting Principles to address attachment needs, and Correcting Principles to disarm fear-based behaviors. TBRI® is designed for children who have a history of abuse, neglect, and/or trauma. Because of their histories, these children have changes in their bodies, brains, behaviors, and belief systems. These changes make it difficult for them to trust the loving adults in their lives, which often results in perplexing and challenging behaviors. The TBRI® Caregiver Training offers practical tools to help caregivers see the “whole child” in their care and meet their unique needs, in order to help that child heal and reach their highest potential. Resource parents can earn training hours!

When & Where: Four full days of training facilitated by two TBRI® Practitioners. Training is held in Camarillo, offered twice a year.

Cost: Free for foster/resource/adoptive/kinship caregivers within the Ventura County Child Welfare System.

Contact: Please contact us at 805-643-1446 or kft.referrals@pathpoint.org for the latest information and to register.

Hold Me Tight Couples Workshop

Who Should Attend: Foster/resource/Adoptive/Kinship Caregivers; general public

Description: 8 weekly sessions in which couples learn to deepen their connection, change painful/frustrating cycles, and make sense of their relationship/attachment needs. Based on the book Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love by Dr. Sue Johnson.

When & Where: Workshop help in Ventura, offered twice a year

Cost: Free for foster/adoptive/kinship parents within the Ventura County Child Welfare System; fee-based for the general public.

Contact: Please contact us at 805-643-1446 or kft.referrals@pathpoint.org for the latest information and to register.

Hold Me Tight, Let Me Go Parent and Teen Workshop

Who Should Attend: Foster/resource/adoptive/kinship families; general public

Description: One Friday evening for parents only and the following full day with parents and their teens, led by two therapists. Families will deepen their connection, enhance trust and emotional safety, change frustrating cycles, and better understand each other. On the second day, families will have time all together as a group, time alone with their teen, as well as a parent support group and teen support group during the day. Resource parents can earn training hours!

When & Where: Workshop help in Ventura, offered 4-5 times a year.

Cost: Free for foster/adoptive/kinship parents within the Ventura County Child Welfare System; fee-based for the general public.

Contact: Please contact us at 805-643-1446 or kft.referrals@pathpoint.org for the latest information and to register.

Parent Support Group

Who Should Attend: Parents involved with CFS

Description: Join other parents to talk about the challenges of the system and how to be successful. Groups are run by Parent Partners who have been there and have successfully reunified with their children. They know what you’re going through!

When: Groups held on Mondays from 3:30-5:00 pm

Cost: Free for Parents involved with CFS

Contact: Please contact us at (805) 940-6391, (805) 978-2073 or kft.referrals@pathpoint.org

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