Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About the Merger - Kids and Families Together
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About the Merger

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About the Merger


We’re happy you’re here! This page’s goal is to answer questions that community partners, people served by our organizations, and other stakeholders may have about the merger. Please see below for a list of FAQs and for additional questions, please reach out to: development@pathpoint.org.


Official Statement

On July 1, 2024, Kids & Families Together (K&FT) merged with PathPoint. We believe there is exceptional synergy between our two organizations and that we are stronger together! As a merged organization, PathPoint looks forward to sustaining and growing K&FT’s vital mission, impressive family of services, and outstanding staff. Both entities completed an in-depth process of due diligence and signified their intent to merge by vote of their respective Board of Directors.


How was the merger initiated?

In the Fall of 2022, David and Faith Friedlander, co-founders of K&FT and the respective President/ CEO and Vice President of Clinical Services, began to plan for their retirement. During this time, they approached PathPoint to explore options. After many discussions and a comprehensive due diligence process, the boards of both organizations agreed to merge.


Is K&FT closing?

No. K&FT will continue to provide services to foster/resource, kinship, adoptive, and birth families, as a new division of PathPoint.


Are K&FT and PathPoint struggling financially?

No. The goal of the merger is to be stronger together by offering a wider range of services and building greater organizational capacity. Together, our organizations will broaden the continuum of support available for individuals with a unique set of needs.


What will happen to K&FT’s staff?

K&FT’s staff are integral to the successful operation and seamless transition of the organization’s impressive family of services. After the merger, K&FT’s staff will become PathPoint staff and will continue to perform the great work that they currently do.


What are David and Faith’s plans?

David and Faith Friedlander will retire on June 30, 2024. They anticipate remaining involved in the merged organization as supporters and in a capacity that best matches their circumstances and the organization’s mission.


What will happen to the “Kids & Families Together” name, its programs, and mission?

K&FT will retain its name, operating as a new division of PathPoint and overseen by Jennifer Newbold, PathPoint’s current Executive Director of Behavioral Health Services. All current contracted programs will also retain their name and will continue operating in the same manner as pre-merger.


K&FT’s mission, which is to strengthen relationships by providing safe, supportive help that keeps family members emotionally connected to one another, will remain the purpose of the new K&FT division of PathPoint. K&FT will also retain many of its existing external channels, such as its website and social media.


What will happen to PathPoint’s name and mission?

PathPoint’s name will remain the same. The organization will now have three arms: Developmental Disability Services, Behavioral Health Services, and Child & Family Services (encompassing K&FT). The organization’s mission statement is in the process of being updated to truly encapsulate all the important work done and all the populations that are served.


Will K&FT continue operating services in the same location?  

Yes. K&FT will continue providing services at its physical location of:


Will PathPoint services continue operating in the same location?

Yes. PathPoint’s services will continue operating at the same respective physical locations. For a comprehensive list of all our locations, please visit: https://www.pathpoint.org/contact/


What can the people that K&FT serves expect from the merger?

The people that K&FT serves in contracted services can expect to receive the same support, from the same team, in the same location, under the same circumstances. PathPoint will hold a Family Virtual Gathering on July 24, 2024 from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. During this session, we will address the organizational transition, goals for the future, and have an opportunity for an open Q&A Session. Here is the meeting information:


What can the people that PathPoint serves expect from the merger?

The people that PathPoint serves can expect to receive the same services, from the same team, in the same location, under the same circumstances.


For more information about PathPoint, please visit: https://www.pathpoint.org


We are stronger together!