Trainers: Carrie McAuliffe Sandoval & Wendy Homan
When: 4 October dates TBD 6:00pm-9:00pm
Where: Camarillo location TBD
If you have gotten your license to be a Resource Parent within the last couple of years, this class is for you! Long-time FKCE trainer and long-time Foster, turned Resource, Parent Wendy Homan designed for this new series for our “newer” families. Real-life scenarios will be used each week as case studies! The 4-week class will explore:
1) Building Your Support System (family & friends, professional contacts, when to reach out)
2) Creating Responsible Resource Families (rights & responsibilities, acronyms, record- keeping)
3) Welcoming a Child/Sibling Group into your Home (the “First Day”, communication, positive discipline, resiliency)
4) Transitions (children arriving & departing, grief & loss, birth parent interaction)
Participants will receive a certificate for 2 hours of training upon completion the class. Meets Foster VC Kids criteria for “teaming.”
For more information, please email Rhonda at (Please put “Nuts and Bolts” inquiry in subject line)
Sponsor: Ventura College FKCE