Backpack Gift Away Event - Kids and Families Together
Backpack Gift Away Event

Backpack Gift Away Event

Kids & Families Together in partnership with Heart 2 Heart would like to extend our gratitude to our amazing host and sponsor of our Backpack Gift Away 2019- The River Community Church!

With our generous businesses, nonprofit partnerships and community, we were able to provide an amazing back to school event to over 200 children with 70 families.

Our event included each child picking out their own backpack with school supplies and other donations. Activities were hosted by Macaroni Kid and we had a Touch a Truck with emergency vehicles from the Ventura County Fire and Police Department! Our Story Telling Room was a big hit with a special guest from, Dr. Seuss’s Cat in the Hat! Thank you to Maureen and Leticia for your time in the reading room!!

We had a great time during lunch with donations by Pizza Man Dan and Food Forward with Starbucks coffee for the morning!

Our event was a great success also due to our amazing volunteers from River Community Church, Amber’s Light of Camarillo, Leo-Lion’s Club, Union Bank, Cross Pointe Church of Ventura and many community members.

A big Thank You to SEMTECH for being the first to donate to our Backpack Gift Away with an abundance of backpacks and school supplies! Their donation gave us a great start with our donation drive!

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Donation Drive Flyer

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