The following organizations and individuals offer additional information about adoption, foster/resource care, kinship care, and other child welfare issues. Although our staff have visited these sites before listing them here, many of them are extensive and change regularly, and we cannot be responsible for the information found on these sites.
Please select a category to view links:
Raises public awareness about the need for foster/resource & adoptive families for children in the child welfare system and assists U.S. States, Territories and Tribes to recruit and retain foster/resource and adoptive families.
Provides information on all aspects of the adoption process.
Gladney Center for Adoption Agencies
An adoption agency that provides services, information, blogs, forums, videos, articles, and support to adoptive to adoptive parents, birth mothers, and children.
Supports foster care homes and adoption.
Dave Thomas Foundation For Adoption
Serves as an active voice for the more than 100,000 children in the public child welfare system who are waiting for homes and families.
Holt International Children’s Services
A Christian adoption agency. Also provides post-adoption services.
Provides foster care homes for Ventura County.
Promotes and provides information about adopting older children, minority children, and those with special needs.
Offers comprehensive information on all aspects of adoption.
North American Council on Adoptable Children
Supports children waiting to be adopted and the families who adopt them. Provides information about adoption from US foster facilities, post-adoption support, adoption subsidies, resources for potential adoptive parents and researchers.
Educates families about foster/resource care and adoption and gives child welfare professionals information and support to help improve services.
An international organization devoted to family connections by providing the needed education for all members of the adoption constellation as well as professionals; and advocates for legislation on state and federal levels; assistance finding support groups.
Association for Treating and Training in the Attachment of Children (ATTACh)
ATTACh is an international coalition of professionals and families dedicated to helping those with attachment difficulties by sharing our knowledge, talents, and resources.
Founded by a parent for parents of children adopted from China, or internationally, to educate parents on post-adoption issues related to those who have PTSD or other attachment issues.
Attachment & Trauma Network, Inc.
Parent-led organization supporting families of traumatized children.
Camarilo Hospice-Livingston Memorial
Offers individual and group counseling by licensed counselors and interns to families who request our services. Grief and bereavement counseling is offered to all Ventura County residents regardless of whether the patient was served by Camarillo Hospice.
Center for Adoption Support and Education (C.A.S.E.)
A Non-profit organization working to improve the lives of high-risk children through direct service, research, and education.
Channel Islands Social Services (CISS)
A family-operated respite provider for licensed foster/resource parents or kinship caregivers with a current placement from Ventura County.
A Non-profit organization working to improve the lives of high-risk children through direct service, research, and education.
Child Welfare Information Gateway
Promotes the safety, permanency, and well-being of children, youth, and families by connecting child welfare, adoption, and related professions, as well as the public to information, resources, and tools covering topics on child welfare, child abuse and neglect, out-of-home care, adoption, and more.
Established in the United States in 1978 and committed to helping bereaved parents, siblings, or grandparents through providing highly personal comfort, hope, and support.
Provides support for all family members separated by adoption; resources to help prevent unnecessary family separations; education about the life-long impact on all who are affected by adoption; advocates for fair and ethical adoption laws, policies, and practices.
Clinical psychologist and expert in the treatment of children who have experienced abuse and neglect and demonstrate attachment and trauma-related issues. Website lists books and videos for parents.
Clinical psychologist and expert in the treatment of children who have experienced abuse and neglect and demonstrate attachment and trauma-related issues. Webstie lists books and videos for parents.
Clinical psychologist and leader in the field of couples therapy. Developer of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT). Sue Johnson describes the impact attachment has in adult relationships.
EMDR International Association (E.M.D.R.I.A)
A professional association where EMDR practitioners and EMDR researchers seek the highest standards for the clinical use of EMDR.
Empowered to Connect (Karyn Purvis)
Articles and audio/video presentations related to topics for foster/adoptive parents based on the work of Dr. Karyn Purvis at TCU Institute of Child Development.
Foster and Kinship Care Education Program (FKCE)
Based at the Ventura College Community Colleges, the mission is to provide quality education and support activities to caregivers of children/youth in out-of-home care.
FosterVCKids - Ventura County Children & Families Services
Helpful resources for resource caregivers, including a calendar with events and groups.
Guide to Understanding the Impacts of Childhood Trauma 2020
Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development
A program of the Department of Psychology at TCU. Their mission is research, education, training, and outreach to improve the lives of children who have experienced abuse, neglect, and/or trauma. Provide more information on Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI).
National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)
Established to improve access to care, treatment, and services for traumatized children and adolescents exposed to traumatic events.
National Foster Parent Association
Non-profit organization established to address the concerns of several independent groups of foster/resource parents and child welfare professionals to provide foster/resource families with opportunities for advocacy, networking, and education.
North American Council on Adoptable Children (N.A.C.A.C)
Founded in 1974 by adoptive parents, the NACAC is committed to meeting the needs of waiting children and the families who adopt them. Provides information, training, advocacy, assistance finding support groups, and so on.
Serving adopted children of color by providing adoptive placement and lifelong education, support, and community for adoptees and their families on matters of adoption and race; parent education, resources and support groups.
Quality Parenting Initiative (QPI) California
Training videos in English and Spanish on a wide range of topics including attachment, behaviors, co-parenting, sexual abuse, transitions, and more.
Supports and connects lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) parents
A non-profit institute that trains mental health professionals in the Theraplay® method.
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)
An evidence-based treatment for children and adolescents impacted by trauma and their parents or caregivers.
Assists children with mental health, behavioral, and emotional disorders by providing services to families such as support, education, and resources.
Information about Ventura County Health and Human Service Resources such as: housing, transportation, health care, mental health, substance use, legal services, and more.
(Formerly knows as Food Stamps) issues monthly electronic benefits that can be used to buy most foods at many markets and food stores.
Collects and receives food year-round to help feed hungry families and individuals throughout various sites in Ventura County. Also provides assistance in applying for Cal Fresh (aka food stamps).
Partnering with Relatives to Promote Reunification
Resources for Families.
Ventura County Human Services Agency
County agency charged with foster care placements and adoption of children within the foster/resource care system.
Arrow Child and Family Ministries
Providing Foster/Resource Care and Adoption services in Ventura County and Santa Barbara County.
Supports foster/resource care homes and adoption.
Provides info on referrals, resources, and support to kinship families in California
Promotes the participation of foster/resource youth in policy development and legislative change to improve the foster/resource care system, and strives to improve social work practice and child welfare policy.
Our Caregivers Resource Guide was created in hopes to provide a road map for many caregivers that are not eligible for our Peer Partner and Educator program e.g. adoptive and out of County/State caregivers. Please refer to our caregiver resource guide and if you have any questions you may call (805) 643-1446 ext. 203.
Serves abused and neglected children and adolescents, and those with severe emotional, social, behavioral, and mental health challenges.
Channel Islands Social Services
Provides free respite support to foster/resource & kinship families, as well as those with disabled children.
Children’s Services Auxiliary of Ventura County
Funds a variety of programs and activities that benefit court-dependent children and transitioning youth.
Homes with Heart Ventura County
Formerly "Foster VC Kids". Coordinates foster/resource parent training, provides financial assistance and support for children placed in their homes, and works with community partners to ensure that foster/resource families have the resources they need.
Creates and supports permanent families for children through adoption, relative caregiving or other guardianship. Find support groups throughout California.
Provides foster care homes for Ventura County.
VCCCD Foster and Kinship Care Education Program
Provides free education & training for foster/resource and kinship families. Certificates provided for those meeting licensing requirements.
Gold Coast Health Plan Free Baby Diapers Resource List
A list of Ventura County free diaper resources.
Health Care Programs for the Uninsured of Ventura County
A page designed to provide information about programs and medical care that are available to those without health insurance.
Health Care for Kids in Ventura County
Is a one-stop shop to help families access health care services for their children.
Provides health care services to low-income individuals.
American Academy of Adoption Attorneys
Has members who are experienced in the complexities of adoption law as well as interstate and international regulations surrounding adoption.
California Courts Self-Help Center
Provides info on adoption, guardianship, foster/resource care, domestic abuse, restraining orders, special education rights, forms, etc.
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)
Appoints trained volunteers to assess child’s circumstances, report findings, and speak on child’s behalf.
Superior Court of Ventura County Self-Help/Family Law Centers
Provides info on family and non-family law issues.
Partnering with Relatives to Promote Reunification
Resources for Families.
Dedicated to providing resources and information to make parenting rewarding, effective and fun!
Provides practical tools and techniques that help adults achieve respectful, healthy relationships with their children.
Provides services to families with children who have mental, emotional and behavioral problems.
This information could help many parents start a conversation with their children about low self-esteem.
Diversity Collective VC- Rainbow Umbrella
Rainbow Umbrella provides a peer support group for individuals who are 13-23, identify as LGBTQQIAP2+ or who are discovering/questioning their identities.
From Foster Care to College: Scholarships & Support That Can Help
College resources for Foster/Resource youth
California State Library- HelpNow Program
The California State Library provides free online tutoring for California K-12 students, available through public libraries. Through HelpNow, live real-time homework assistance is available 24 hours a day by laptop, tablet, or phone from qualified tutors using state curriculum and standards. 24/7 assistance is available in English and Spanish for Language Arts and Mathematics.